Grade 2 Math Comparing Numbers: Greater or Smaller

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Comparing Numbers: Greater or Smaller

What is comparing numbers?

Comparing numbers is a process to identify the greater or smaller number from two or more numbers.

Compare Two Numbers:

(a) Compare digit numbers:

If a number has more digits than another number, then the highest digit number is greater.


99 and 191

à 191 has 3-digits.

à 99 has 2 digits.

à So, 191 > 99.

(b) Compare same place digits of two numbers:

This process is applicable when two numbers have same number of digits. In this case, check 1st digit from left to right. The number with a greater digit at the 1st place (left to right) is greater than the other number. If the 1st place digits are equal, then check 2nd place digits and the number is greater which has the higher 2nd place digit. If the 2nd place digits are also equal, then check next place digits until you find different digits at the same place of the two numbers.


(i) 321 and 421

1st place digit (left to right) compare: 3 < 4

So, 421 > 321.

(ii) 432 and 442

1st place digit (left to right) compare: 4 = 4

So, we need to compare 2nd place.

2nd place digit compare: 3 < 4

So, 442 > 432

(iii) 874 and 871

1st Place digit compare: 8 = 8,

Go for the next comparison,

2nd place digit compare: 7 = 7

Go for the next comparison,

3rd place digit compare: 4 > 1

So, 874 > 871

1. Compare 104 and 99.


104 has 3 digits.

99 has 2 digits.

So, 104 is greater than 99.

2. Find the greater number from 126 and 89.


126 has 3 digits.

89 has 2 digits.

So, 126 is greater than 89.

3. Compare 369 and 217.


Between two numbers:

Hundreds place digit of 369 > Hundreds place digit of 217

or, 3 > 2.

So, 369 is greater than 217.

4. Compare 469 and 479.


Hundreds place digit of 469 = Hundreds place digit 479

or, 4 = 4.


Tens place digit of 469 < Tens place digit of 479

or, 6 < 7.

So, 479 is greater than 469.

5. Compare 239 and 149.


Hundreds place digit of 239 > Hundreds place digit 149

or, 2 > 1.

So, 239 is greater than 149.

6. Make compare table for 879 and 878 and find the greater number.



From step (iii), we get, 879 is greater than 878.

7. Compare the following pairs of numbers by using < or >.

(i) 410 and 428

(ii) 362 and 381

(iii) 729 and 354

(iv) 967 and 816

(v) 468 and 567

(vi) 637 and 691

(vii) 711 and 237


 (i) 410 < 428

(ii) 362 < 381

(iii) 729 > 354

(iv) 967 > 816

(v) 468 < 567

(vi) 637 < 691

(vii) 711 > 237

8. Find the smallest number in the group.

(i) 281  211  654  321  461

(ii) 981   587  211  568  68


(i) 211

(ii) 68

9. What are the comparing sings?


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